Come on in. Kick back. Relax. Stay a while.
This blog is dedicated to my adventure in photography. You'll see bits of my adopted hometown, New Orleans, as well as plenty of pictures of my sons, Dylan and Logan, and, of course, the children and families that allow me to capture the special moments in their lives.
I'll be updating the blog frequently, so add me to your blog reader. And if you have a blog yourself, I'd love to be added to your blog roll. Lastly I love comments so if you've particularly enjoyed a post or a photo please let me know!
This blog is dedicated to my adventure in photography. You'll see bits of my adopted hometown, New Orleans, as well as plenty of pictures of my sons, Dylan and Logan, and, of course, the children and families that allow me to capture the special moments in their lives.
I'll be updating the blog frequently, so add me to your blog reader. And if you have a blog yourself, I'd love to be added to your blog roll. Lastly I love comments so if you've particularly enjoyed a post or a photo please let me know!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sneak Peek: "S" Family [New Orleans Family Photographer]
I had a hard time deciding which images to use for this sneak peek. Partially because the S family is so photogenic and fun and I love so many of their images. But also because they are part of my Christmas in October special and I don't want to ruin the surprise for their holiday cards by "peeking" an image they want to use! But her are a few images that I thought were safe to sneak peek for them.

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Ho Ho Ho! Holiday Cards Are Here!
As anyone that follows the blog knows, last weekend was my big Christmas in October holiday special. And boy did we have fantastic weather and a great time at the park. That promotion includes beautiful press-printed holiday cards, but did you know that you can order holiday cards without being part of the Christmas in October promotion? If you had a session with me anytime in 2009 and you'd like to use the images for press-printed holiday cards, just drop me a line at amy@amydrouetphotography.com. But do it soon! Orders for holiday cards must be received by Sunday, November 15 at midnight to guarantee delivery in time for your holiday mailings.
Below are just a few of my holiday card designs for 2009. My complete selection of holiday cards features more than 40 designs to choose from!

Below are just a few of my holiday card designs for 2009. My complete selection of holiday cards features more than 40 designs to choose from!

(Click to view larger.)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sneak Peek: Maci's Mini [Bedico Baby Photographer]
Maci has certainly had plenty of time in front of the camera lately. We did her 6 month session in the Quarter and then followed up with a mini session in the park to capture some fun images of Maci in my tutus and in her Halloween costume. You can see an example of the cutest little duckling below. And now to round it out, here are a few of the tutu shots. Isn't she adorable? :)

the knight and the lion
Sneak Peek: Lucy [Kenner Baby Photographer]
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
In honor of Halloween, an oldie but goodie...
This was my Logan last year at Halloween. I call it, "The pumpkin ate my baby!" Appropriate, don't you think? What a cute little chunker he was. It amazes me to look at this and then see how much bigger and older he is now, a year later. Walking. Talking (a little anyway). And into E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
This photo reminds me of what a sweet, happy, easy-going baby he was. (After all, I did stick him almost naked in a giant, slimey pumpkin and he still smiled!) I just love it.
This photo reminds me of what a sweet, happy, easy-going baby he was. (After all, I did stick him almost naked in a giant, slimey pumpkin and he still smiled!) I just love it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009
The cutest little duckling
Well, since the Saints are KILLING ME this afternoon, I took a quick break from the game to look at some of Maci's mini session images. This one just cracks me up. Can't you just imagine what she's thinking?
"WHY am I wearing this thing?"
"WHY am I laying on the ground?"
"And for GOODNESS sake, WHY do you have that silly black box in my face?"
LOL. I love what I do. Life is good.

"WHY am I wearing this thing?"
"WHY am I laying on the ground?"
"And for GOODNESS sake, WHY do you have that silly black box in my face?"
LOL. I love what I do. Life is good.

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sneak Peek: Emma... Take Two! [New Orleans Baby Photographer]
I met up with little miss Emma last weekend for a second shot at her one year session. What a difference a week and a half makes! Her first session was about 90 degrees and 90% humidity. ten days later and our reshoot was downright chilly! Luckily this session was uneventful and we got some great shots.

Heeeere's Reid! [Kenner Baby Photographer]
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sneak Peek: Miss Maci [New Orleans baby Photographer]
Look who's 6 months old already! Miss Maci was sitting up and ready for her close-up last weekend in the Quarter. She endured multiple outfit changes and cooler than expected temperatures with grace and charm, although the teething got the best of her a time or two. Apparently tulle is good for teething. Who knew? ;)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
bubbles + baby lashes
Sneak Peek: Ava [New Orleans Newborn Photographer]
It seems like yesterday I was doing A + C's maternity session. And now look who's here! Sweet little Ava has arrived. And what a beautiful little girl she is with dark, curly hair and pudgy round cheeks. Little miss Ava was wide awake when I arrived (as you'll see below!) but patience and persistance paid off and we eventually got Ava into a nice deep sleep for the rest of her photo shoot.
A+C - I hope you enjoy your peek! And congratulations again on your new baby girl!

A+C - I hope you enjoy your peek! And congratulations again on your new baby girl!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pumpkin Time
While Dylan was at Mothers Day Out this morning, Logan and I headed out for a little adventure of our own. We met up with some other moms and kids for a little get together at the local "pumpkin patch." I put that in quotes because, well, it's not really a pumpkin patch per se. More like a large collection of picked, stacked pumpkins. But it's cute and it's as close to a real pumpkin patch as we get this close to the city. :)
Not that it matters, because the kids certainly don't care. Logan had a great time exploring the pumpkins. And me... well I had forgotten how nice it is to get out of the house for something other than errands!

Not that it matters, because the kids certainly don't care. Logan had a great time exploring the pumpkins. And me... well I had forgotten how nice it is to get out of the house for something other than errands!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sneak Peek: Lila [New Orleans Baby Photographer]
Sneak Peek: O Family [New Orleans Family Photographer]
Last week I met up with the O family to capture some family pictures, as well as to commemorate sweet little Emma's one year milestone. Our session was unexpectedly cut short and we'll pick it up again this weekend. But in the meantime, I thought I'd share a few images from our first, brief session.

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