I was actually surpised when we emerged from Greene Airport in Providence, RI. It was chilly of course. But not that chilly. It was pretty comfortable really. So Logan and I went about our merry business of visiting family (including a little newborn session with my newest cousin - who was conveniently born eight days before I arrived) which eventually brought us to my sister's house in southern New Hampshire for my niece's third birthday party. The visit was great. The party was fun. But we were ready to get home come Monday morning. Until a nor'easter dumped fourteeen inches of snow on my sister's house late Sunday night/early Monday morning.
Needless to say, flights were cancelled and Logan and I hunkered down for an extended stay. Bummer. In the end though we were able to catch an early flight Tuesday morning and get home just about 24 hours after our originally scheduled arrival. All's well that ends well I guess!
And just because I don't want to post without a picture... check out these chunker legs. I just love 'dem rolls. :)

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