For anyone interested in the details...
I went in Tuesday morning, 5/27, at 6 a.m. for an induction at 39 weeks and 5 days. The nurse got me set up in my room. I was about 2 cm and 70% - pretty much the same as the week before. At 7 a.m. they broke my water and started the pitocin. By 8 a.m. I was really feeling the contractions. By 9 a.m. they were very painful and I asked for my epidural. They checked me and I had only progressed to 3 cm. I was so surprised and disappointed! All that labor and not much progress at all.
They had to call my dr. to get permission to do the epidural since I wasn't even 4 cm yet. Luckily he agreed, but by the time they got his permission, got the paperwork done, and got the anesthiologist there, it was 10 a.m. My contractions were very hard and painful at this point and getting pretty close together. I got the epidural and what a world of difference! I could finally relax and rest a little. They checked me right after the epidural and I was 5 cm already. Woohoo! Finally some progress.
The nurse came back to check in with me around 11 a.m. and told me to call her if I started to feel any pressure. I actually had been feeling a little pressure, but not a lot so I didn't say anything. (Yes, I'm dumb.) But 15 minutes later I was starting to feel A LOT of pressure so I made Kevin run out in the hall and get her. She checked me and I was 10 cm! She had me do a couple test pushes and was immediately like, "Okay, stop that. No pushing. That baby is ready to come out." Yay!
We had to wait almost an hour for the dr to get there (thank god for the epidural or I'd have been climbing the walls!) but once he arrived, I pushed 3 or 4 times and that was it - Logan was here. The whole thing was SO different from my delivery with Dylan - much faster, but much harder and more intense. But I was happy that he arrived so quickly and relatively easily - the nurses all said he looked like a c-section baby. He had a perfectly round little head and he didn't have that beat-up Rocky Balboa look that so many babies have after fighting their way out into the world.
And because this is a photo blog, here are a couple quick snapshots from right after the delivery.
Me and my new little man

The happy family of four