Then six years ago I moved to New Orleans. I adopted the city and its team, the Saints. Even though the Saints weren't very good back then. In fact we had season tickets when they weren't very good - go figure. (I wish we had them now!) But we still rooted for them. And in 2006, when we were all still feeling bruised and battered post-Katrina, all that love started to pay off. Our boys were playing like a whole new team. They had heart and drive and they gave us all something to root for. Something to be proud of. And we loved them all the more for it.
I've been lucky. For six years I've been able to root for both of my teams without conflict. After all, the Saints and the Pats are in different divisions and rarely play each other. But all of that changed this season. This season my husband and I immediately noted the big match-up on the schedule. This year I have to choose. And I've had the questions pouring in from friends and family both north and south.
Would I be rooting for my Patriots? The team that I have more than 30 years invested in. The team I grew up with. The team that still represtents my beloved hometown.
Or would I be rooting for my Saints? The team that I adopted. The team that I've rooted on to a 10-o record so far. The team that's done so much for the region that I've laid down roots in. Built a family in.
The answer is......
Sorry my northern loved ones... I promise I still love my Pats as much as ever and I'll be rooting for them in every other game they play this year. But the way I see it, the Patriots have kicked some serious butt these past several years. They've won championships and brought home rings. And I love them for it. I'm so glad they've succeeded. But now it's time for the Saints to have their share of the glory.