Come on in. Kick back. Relax. Stay a while.
This blog is dedicated to my adventure in photography. You'll see bits of my adopted hometown, New Orleans, as well as plenty of pictures of my sons, Dylan and Logan, and, of course, the children and families that allow me to capture the special moments in their lives.
I'll be updating the blog frequently, so add me to your blog reader. And if you have a blog yourself, I'd love to be added to your blog roll. Lastly I love comments so if you've particularly enjoyed a post or a photo please let me know!
This blog is dedicated to my adventure in photography. You'll see bits of my adopted hometown, New Orleans, as well as plenty of pictures of my sons, Dylan and Logan, and, of course, the children and families that allow me to capture the special moments in their lives.
I'll be updating the blog frequently, so add me to your blog reader. And if you have a blog yourself, I'd love to be added to your blog roll. Lastly I love comments so if you've particularly enjoyed a post or a photo please let me know!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sneak Peek: Lola [New Orleans Baby Photographer]
Well, look who's 6 months old now! And an expert sitter-upper already! We had such a fantastic afternoon for pictures and miss Lola was quite the trooper - she made it through four outfit changes in just about an hour!

Sneak Peek: Cooper + Cole [New Orleans Newborn Photographer]
Last week I got to meet these two beautiful new babies. At four weeks old they were already pretty alert and not to happy about being naked or posed. But that's alright! There'a always lots of options and we got some geat shots of these two sweethearts. Below is a quick preview. P+M - it was great to meet you and spend the morning with your gorgeous - and clearly well-loved - boys. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009
wishful thinking
I'll be honest. This afternoon was pretty miserable. There I was, in the pouring rain, toting two cranky boys from the tile store to the post office to the bank. Fun times. In fact, most of the two-hour excursion was set to the whiney two-year-old tune of, "I wanna go home. I wanna go home. IWANNA GO HOME!"
Yup, fun times.
So as we pulled into the driveway (finally), I expected Dylan (of whiney two-year-old fame) to be ecstatic. I turned around to talk to him.
ME: Dylan where are we?
DYLAN: Mommy's house.
(Okay, not bad. I'll take it.)
ME: Is it Daddy's house too?
DYLAN: Uh-huh
(always the eloquent one, that boy)
ME: Is it Dylan's house too?
DYLAN: Uh-huh
(again, very verbose)
ME: Is it Logan's house too?
This time he stops to think. And says...
DYLAN: No. Baby lives there. (pointing to our neighbor's house)
Wishful thinking, my boy. Wishful thinking.
Yup, fun times.
So as we pulled into the driveway (finally), I expected Dylan (of whiney two-year-old fame) to be ecstatic. I turned around to talk to him.
ME: Dylan where are we?
DYLAN: Mommy's house.
(Okay, not bad. I'll take it.)
ME: Is it Daddy's house too?
DYLAN: Uh-huh
(always the eloquent one, that boy)
ME: Is it Dylan's house too?
DYLAN: Uh-huh
(again, very verbose)
ME: Is it Logan's house too?
This time he stops to think. And says...
DYLAN: No. Baby lives there. (pointing to our neighbor's house)
Wishful thinking, my boy. Wishful thinking.
Sneak Peek: Caleb [LaPlace Baby Photographer]
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sneak Peek: Zach [Slidell Baby Photographer]
I can hardly believe this little guy is one already! It seems like just yesterday that he was this small. We went down to the Quarter for Zach's one year pictures and between his gorgeous blue eyes and red hair and the bright zaniness of the Quarter, the session was just a riot of color.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
catching up
Please bear with me. After 10 days of being mostly out of pocket, I'm now back home. I have several orders waiting in my inbox, new inquiries, sneak peeks still to post and galleries to finish. I also have had some extenuating circumstances this week that are preventing me from working through everything as quickly as I would like. I promise I am working through it all as quickly as I can though. In the meantime, here are a few highlights from our trip:
1) After 10 days in the sun and despite copious amounts of SPF 50 sunblock, Dylan is TAN. Must be those dark-skinned French genes from Kevin.
2) After 10 days in the sun and copious amounts of SPF 50 sunblock, Logan is as pasty white as ever. ;) But he now has FRECKLES. That's my Irish genes.
3) The lost memory card from my previous post? FOUND! Yay!
4) The lost wedding ring? Still at the bottom of the bay. :(
5) Dylan has started calling me "mimi" less and less, and calling me "Mommy" more. I kinda miss "Mimi".
6) Operation potty training is well underway. Keep your fingers crossed for us. With any luck we'll soon only have one child in diapers!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
lost but not found
We're now in the final hours of our summer vacation. My sister in law and her family headed out yesterday afternoon to start the long trek back to Houston (towing a boat no less.) Kevin headed back home last night so he be back at work this morning. Which means it's just me, the boys and my mother and father in law left at the "Alabama House." We took the boys down to the pool this morning for a couple dozen "last" slides down the waterslide. Now they're napping. Tonight we'll do one last trip to the beach for pictures and we'll pack up and head out in the morning.
Over the course of the trip we've acquired several things... a tan :), some much needed R+R, and probably a few pounds. But we lost a couple things as well. We noticed yesterday morning that Kevin's wedding band is missing. We believe he lost it waterskiing on Sunday. Which means it's most likely somewhere in the bay now, never to be seen again. And I lost one of my CF cards to my camera. I have tons of CF cards, so in and of itself, that's not a huge loss, but it did have several pictures I had taken of Logan playing with sea shells out on our balcony and it makes me sad to think I lost ANY photos of my kids, you know? But life goes on. I guess we'll be ring shopping again soon.
Over the course of the trip we've acquired several things... a tan :), some much needed R+R, and probably a few pounds. But we lost a couple things as well. We noticed yesterday morning that Kevin's wedding band is missing. We believe he lost it waterskiing on Sunday. Which means it's most likely somewhere in the bay now, never to be seen again. And I lost one of my CF cards to my camera. I have tons of CF cards, so in and of itself, that's not a huge loss, but it did have several pictures I had taken of Logan playing with sea shells out on our balcony and it makes me sad to think I lost ANY photos of my kids, you know? But life goes on. I guess we'll be ring shopping again soon.
Monday, August 10, 2009
it's good to have friends
I mentioned in an earlier post that my friend and fellow photographer, Stephanie Fisher, took pictures of us the other night. Well she posted a sneak peek on her blog (man, she's fast!) and I'm so excited I just have to share. Here we are! I love them. I mean seriously love them, love them, love them. :) Stephanie rocks. So if any of you readers out there happen to be in the Birmingham area, give her a call and get on her calendar. You won't regret it.
Last night I got to meet up with my friend and fellow photographer, Stephanie Fisher of Birmingham, AL. Not only was it great to catch up (the last time I saw her I was still pregnant with Logan!) and talk photo "stuff" with someone as obsessed passionate about photography as me, but we met up on the beach where Stephanie took some some photos of us. Yup, that's right. US. The whole family. That means I'm actually in some photos! Crazy, huh? The boys were about as cooperative as usual (read: not cooperative at ALL) but it was so much fun and I can't wait to see what Stephanie got!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
life's a beach
Just a quick shot from here on the gulf coast of Alabama. We went out last night for a quick mini session with my boys and my two nieces. I used Logan for my test shots and I just loved this one of him. The little baby buddha belly hanging out the bottom of his shirt is just so HIM. My little beach bum. ;)
Much more to come!

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Sneak Peek: Isabelle [New Orleans Baby Photographer]
I got to meet up with sweet little Isabelle the day before I left town for vacation. What a perfect little model! Isabelle was so accomodating that we actually got through five (FIVE!) outfit changes during her session - including a very special vintage dress (in the second image below). L - enjoy the sneak peek! I'll get the full gallery to you as soon as I can.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sneak Peek: E, P, E + MM
I got to squeeze in one last session in the French Quarter before I left for Alabama. Just look at these four gorgeous kiddos...

Emme, the oldest (mom + dad look out!)

Piper, the expert light pole climber

Ellery, the youngest of the three girls (just look at those big blue eyes!)

And last - but not least - "Mini Mac"

Sneak Peek: Kelsey + Marigny [Gulfport Newborn Photographer]
Last week I got a last minute call to see if I could squeeze in a session for newborn twin girls that had just come home from the hospital. Well I happened to have a free morning that week and you know how I love newborns, so I'm sure you can guess the outcome. In fact, I'll help you out... check out the two cuties below:

the "alabama house"
Every year we do a summer vacation with the whole family. Typically we go to Pensacola and the kids always call our rented condo "the florida house." This year we're in Orange Beach and the condo has been dubbed... what else?... the alabama house! I haven't had my camera out too much (wrangling two kids is hard enough by itself ;)) but I did take a few snapshots out on the balcony yesterday.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sneak Peek: Lilli and Raegan [Harahan Baby Photographer]
When I last saw Lilli she was 4 months old and all big blue eyes. Now she's nine months old. The eyes are still big and blue, but now this little girl is on the move!
email issues
I'm having difficulty accessing my amy@amydrouetphotography.com email address while on vacation. If you've emailed me at that account in the past few days, please temporarily use amydrouet@yahoo.com instead. In addition, I have a couple of clients that I owe information to, but I can't access their email address (Ashley E., Patrick D.). Please shoot me a note to the yahoo account so I can get you the information you requested. Thanks!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
off to the beach!
The boys and I are leaving momentarily for a week of fun in the sun in Gulf Shores, AL. Amy Drouet Photography will be CLOSED during this time, however I will check email as time and connectivity permit. See y'all soon! :)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
this cracks me up...
A week or so ago I took both of the kids (and my mom) out into the Quarter in an attempt to get Logan's (late) one year pictures done. I was also attempting to get that most elusive of all images... a good picture of both of them together. This is what I got:

Not exactly what I had in mind. But at least it amuses me. Can't you just see Dylan thinking, "Dude, what is your DEAL???"

Not exactly what I had in mind. But at least it amuses me. Can't you just see Dylan thinking, "Dude, what is your DEAL???"
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